Weekly Weigh In

I’m back down to 159. I’ve been fluctuating between 163 and 159 for the last two weeks, but I also haven’t stayed on my nutrition goals all week.

Last weekend I binged on carbs. I bought brownies, peanut butter waffles, popcorn, and veggie straws. Old favorite junk food. That, by itself, wouldn’t have been a problem but I ate them sparingly. But of course I ate all of that over the course of two days. My calorie count jumped to over 4000, and my carb count jumped several hundred grams. It wasn’t good for me.

I could use the excuse that it was the days leading up to my period. Because it was. And I’m always excessively hungry during those few days before I start. But most months, I make much better food choices than that. It seems every six months or so, I end up doing a binge weekend. I always regret it, because I feel horrible afterwards. But I just start craving the carbs so bad that I even develop a sweet tooth, which is some thing that I don’t normally have.

I’m not going to beat myself up over it too much. I am going to try to keep from binging again. And if those cravings hit me, I eat the things I crave a lot more sparingly. But I’m not gonna get myself over to days of being off track. I do, however, plan to push hard over this weekend and next week so that I can end the month at a loss!

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