Walk to Mordor

I’ll be honest, exercise is a struggle. I get really into it for brief spurts, then I abandon it.

Walking is an exception. Walking is something that I can do relatively easily while remaining motivated. I can walk while I read or listen to music or plan out my day. I love to walk.

So, when the bestie told me about the Walk to Mordor challenge, I was IN!

I found and installed the app (which is a little disappointing, but hey, it’s a relatively unknown app made by geeks who are looking at getting fit). I learned the app won’t connect with my Apple Watch, so every night before bed, I manually enter the distance that I walked that day.

I have walked 10.5 miles of the 1932 miles it will take to get from Bag End to Mordor. Just 1921.5 left to go! 🤣

At this rate, it will take just over a year to reach Mordor. How did the hobbits, with their tiny hobbit legs, do this?!

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