Obese Class 1
I have officially made it from Obese Class II to Class I. Progress.
Face to Face
Down 20lbs and I’m starting to see it in my face. I don’t know if it’s recognizable to anyone else yet (quarantine single-life blues: I see no one and no one notices my progress!). The weight loss is definitely taking longer this time around. Last time I did keto (2019), I lost 30lbs in three […]
Working on that whole “love the skin you’re in” thing, cause confidence is everything! So, crop top and shorts, shopping today. I’ve always been weirdly modest. Weirdly, in that I’m not modest about the same things others are. I have no issue showing cleavage (if you’ve got it, FLAUNT IT!), but showing my legs is […]
Mirror Check
I am not where I want to be yet, but on the plus side: last summer’s shorts fit (they didn’t when I put them on last month). Which means I’ve dropped at least one pant size since 7/18!
Beach Body On Demand
I did a thing during lunch. Now I’m ready for work to be over so I can explore! Review: I’m coming back to this post to update and provide my opinion on Beach Body On Demand. There is a lot I like about it. I love having access to a lot of different exercises, all […]
I made it ONEderland this morning! Down 11lbs in 23 days. 😁😁😁 I mentioned in a previous post, A Starting Point, that I very rarely use a scale. Because of that, I have no idea when the last time I was below 200lbs is. The last time I know for sure is during my last […]
Reflex Bag
Some days, you just need to hit something! The reflex bag is one of my favorite shoulder/arm workouts. Good workout AND helps kill frustrations. If I could just stop making stupid faces while punching… 🤣 For reference, this is the reflex bag I use.
Get Dancing!
Trying not to feel like a total dork while I rediscover just how uncoordinated that I am! But I’ve started dancing in the morning before work as a way of exercising. Closing my Apple Watch activity rings early these days!
I have an Instagram account specifically for my weight loss journey, where I post much more frequently and share what I am eating daily, what exercise I am doing, as well as some self-motivational stuff. https://www.instagram.com/fussyvsfit/
Motivation Board
I got to move my first 5lbs marker to the “lost” zone today! 🙌 I decided that my kitchen needed a vision board. I’ve always been a visual person, someone who makes and checks off to-do lists and likes to SEE my progress and goals mapped out before me; so the fact that I’ve never […]