One Year, Two Months, 50 lbs

There are days, on everyone’s journey, when you just aren’t feeling it.

Today, I felt bloated. My rings and watch felt tight against my skin. My stomach felt larger than it should. I just felt blah, physically.

So, in an effort to ensure that I didn’t end up feeling blah mentally, I made a conscious decision to focus on the positive. What helps me with that, is comparing photos or videos so that I can actually SEE my progress. Because looking in the mirror every day through my journey, I don’t always see it. Just like you don’t see your children grow, you don’t see yourself change. Sometimes, it hits you all at once, but you don’t SEE it day by day.

To the left is a video that I made to bring out the positive, while I was feeling less than stellar. I gotta say, I was incredibly proud when I put these snippets together. I’ve changed more than I realized, even knowing that I’ve dropped 50 lbs. I hadn’t been aware of just what that looks like on the body until I forced it up front and center in the video.

I’m making it a bit closer to my goals every single day.

  • Height: 5ft 0in
  • SW: 210
  • CW: 160
  • GW: 132
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