Meal Prep is Self-Care

As you may know, I dedicate at least part of every Sunday to self-care. This comes from extended periods of time, especially on the last two years, when taking care of myself didn’t even rank high enough to be anywhere on my list of priorities. I neglected myself, both physically and mentally, and I suffered for it.

So now, I make sure that every week I take at least a little time to take care of myself.

This looks different every week. Sometimes, it may be a bath and a facial. Sometimes, it’s a massage. But self-care doesn’t always have to be so straight forward either.

The last few weeks, I’ve eaten a lot of meals that were quick and cobbled together. As a result, I’ve stuck to my macros (ketovore style), but I haven’t eaten healthy. Too much processed foods that have left me bloated and meh.

For me, this weekend, self-care is taking the time to meal prep.

Is that something I’d normally consider self-care? Not really. I hadn’t honestly given it much thought. It was something I did or didn’t do. It was a convenience.

But not really a convenience.

Because yeah, I CAN cobble a meal together. But that doesn’t leave me feeling or looking my best. And I’m often drained and not wanting to cook at the end of a day.

Meal prep, for me, CAN be self-care. It sets me up for the week, to ensure I’m in the right place to be successful. To not just meet my macros, but to feel amazing while working on my goals!

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