Ketogenic Diet – Basics


This post is a quick reference guide to the basics of the Keto Diet. I plan to post a more detailed explanation later. However, these are the actual notes from my own research into the diet before beginning it in 2019 (my first attempt, which lasted only 3 months but saw a 30lbs reduction in my weight).

General Information

The keto diet is a low-carb, moderate protein, high fat diet that is designed to put your body into ketosis, a state in which fats are burned as an energy source rather than sugars. 

  • Ketosis is the term for when your body is in a state of burning fats as fuel.
    • Ketosis turns fats into ketones. 
      • You can use urine or blood strips to measure the number of ketones in your body and determine if you are in ketosis on any given day.
        • [FVF Note: Some people find this a good method of tracking, though I am not a fan. I figure, if I’m losing weight, then I’m good]
  • It is important that the majority of your fats come from healthy options
    • Healthy fats include: Avocados, nuts, flax seeds, hemp hearts, chia seeds, olives, coconut, avocado/olive/coconut oil, MCT oil, cacao nibs, full-fat Greek yogurt, fatty fish, whole eggs, butter, and cheese
    • Unhealthy fats: processed meats (bacon, sausages, salami, pepperoni, etc.), fried foods (air fryer fried foods are okay), vegetable oils, mayonnaise, etc. 
      • [FVF Note: Further research into the Carnivore Diet, later during my journey, recommends fatty cuts of meats as a healthy fat source]
  • Keto Flu: happens when your body adjusts to burning fats as an energy source. Can include: headache, fatigue, dizziness, light nausea, difficulty focusing (brain fog), lack of motivation, irritability. 
    • Reduce or avoid the keto flu by increasing water intake and adding pink Himalayan salt to your diet. Bone broth, with added salt, is a simple way to reduce/avoid these symptoms
      • Keto flu is often a sign that you aren’t getting enough electrolytes. Adding the salt/bone broth helps bring in electrolytes. You can also take magnesium and potassium supplements. Make sure you are getting enough calcium as well to avoid muscle cramps (chai seeds and unsweetened almond milk are the best sources of calcium).
  • TMI Warning: When you are in ketosis and eating according to your macros, you will see a decrease in frequency of bowl movements and the amount and consistency may change. This is healthy.
    • If you feel constipated or bloated, however, add magnesium or additional MCT oil to your diet


  • Food is made up of 3 macronutrients: Fat, Protein, and Carbs.  
    • Fats should always be 20g higher than Proteins for weight loss
      • Proteins can be turned into sugars by your body if they are higher than or equal to your Fats. 
    • Carbs are broken down into Total Carbs and Net Carbs. 
      • Net Carbs are the Total Carbs minus the grams from fiber. Fiber is a requirement for your body. When calculating carbs, it is your Net Carbs that you need to watch. 
  • Use the macro calculator to get your most accurate macros:
    • Recalculate your macros any time you go three weeks without losing weight
    • Net Carbs should NEVER be higher than 20g for weight loss
  • Use Carb Manager phone app to track your Macros (explained below)
    • Make sure you set the setting to Net Carbs in the app
  • You still need to count calories and be in a calorie deficit on Keto for weight loss.
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