Face to Face

Down 20lbs and I’m starting to see it in my face. I don’t know if it’s recognizable to anyone else yet (quarantine single-life blues: I see no one and no one notices my progress!).

The weight loss is definitely taking longer this time around. Last time I did keto (2019), I lost 30lbs in three months. This round, I’m three months in and only 20lbs down.

It’s a struggle not to be impatient. To keep pushing forward even on days when the scale isn’t moving.

Motivation isn’t always there. Hell, dedication isn’t even always there. There are days I mess up. I’m definitely not being super strict with myself. I’m not following keto exactly. More low-carb than anything, though I try and keep my fats up.

But days like today, seeing the difference in my face, I remember why I’m doing this and I forge ahead.

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