
Working on that whole “love the skin you’re in” thing, cause confidence is everything! So, crop top and shorts, shopping today.

I’ve always been weirdly modest. Weirdly, in that I’m not modest about the same things others are. I have no issue showing cleavage (if you’ve got it, FLAUNT IT!), but showing my legs is another story. Typically, I don’t wear shorts that stop above my knee outside of my house. Not even to mow my own front yard. It’s always pants, capris, or knee-length shorts.

I’m on this journey for fitness and health, but also for mindset. My body is where I will live for the whole of my life, and I have to remember to treat it right. That means eating right and exercising, but it also means talking to it right. Stop saying “I hate my…[insert your own self-conscious body part here].”

I can’t claim it’s all rainbows and puppies.

I didn’t set a mindset goal and magically hit it. That’s impossible. But it’s something I’m working on. It’s something I’m striving for. And, for me, it’s starting with clothes that challenge my self image: crop top and shorts.

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