Beach Body On Demand

I did a thing during lunch. Now I’m ready for work to be over so I can explore!


I’m coming back to this post to update and provide my opinion on Beach Body On Demand.

There is a lot I like about it. I love having access to a lot of different exercises, all at different levels, requiring different equipment, and lasting different lengths of time. I love a lot of the instructors (though there are some that just don’t click with me…mostly the highly peppy ones).

I do think that a lot of the tools, drink mixes, etc. are unnecessary and/or expensive. I cancelled everything but the on-demand streaming. That’s the part that I care about.

I like the concept of the meal/diet plans that they have listed. I did go through most of their videos prior to cancelling. For me though, I prefer Keto. It fits my fussy nature best and seems to have a good effect for me. But everyone is different and I can fully see how these nutritional programs would work out well for others. They have a good basis and encourage a good mentality about food (which I love in a nutrition plan).

Overall, I’d recommend Beach Body On Demand to anyone who, like me, gets bored easy and wants access to a lot of exercise options.

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